Metallography is the study of the microstructure of all types of metallic alloys using microscope. It can be more precisely defined as the scientific discipline of observing and determining the chemical and atomic structure and spatial distribution of the grains, constituents, inclusions or phases in metallic alloys. The metallography tests we provide are,
⦁ Ferrite count measurement using Ferritescope
⦁ Micro examination
⦁ Macro Examination (Weld, HAZ, Base) Per Weld
⦁ Porosity Content Measurement
⦁ De-carburisation by Microscopic method
⦁ Case Depth traverse method
⦁ Plating &Coating Thickness
⦁ Anodizing Layer Measurement
⦁ Nitriding Depth
⦁ Grain size measurements
⦁ Austenitic Grain size measurements